The Dangers of Dry Rot -
What exactly is dry rot? Dry rot occurs when your home is exposed to moisture, dampness, or condensation of any kind. Dry rot can occur in floors, walls, cabinets, or even the structural wood frame of the home. Dry rot is especially dangerous because it is quick moving and cause severe damage to your home or structure! Dry rot and wet rot are very different. Wet rot generally only occurs in areas that are exposed to water, often for long periods of time. Wet rot is localized and won’t spread. Dry rot is also the result of being exposed to some kind of moisture, however unlike wet rot, dry rot is a quick moving rot. It does not stay only in the area that was dampened but will move to other areas quickly. Due to the severity of dry rot it is imperative to detect it quickly and not wait to have it treated. As mentioned before it can move into your floors, walls, drywall, brickwork, behind plaster, and even into the structural wood of your home. This is why not is so important ...