Rising Damp Treatment
When it comes to rising damp treatment , membrane systems like the ones provided by Fixrot.co.uk and Company are considered to be an effective alternative to most conventional damp proofing methods such as chemical damp proof courses (DPCs), cementitious and bitumous paint on coatings and external water repellents. This is because membrane systems generally require minimal preparation, are quick to install, and are considered to be most sympathetic to the structure. They are reversible and can be ventilated which make them particularly ideal for use on conservation and historic projects as well as for refurbishment, renovation and new build where rising damp treatment is required. When an injected damp proof course is used in damp walls where rising damp treatment is needed, part of the process almost always includes hacking off existing plaster which is an extremely disruptive and messy process. Drilling and injecting the chemical DPC is an exact science in that th...