What is the difference between a woodworm treatment and a woodworm killer?

In some cases, manufacturer’s simply call their products different things, either woodworm killer or woodworm treatment. This said, some products are more specific to killing off existing infestations whilst others are geared towards preventing future attack. If unsure as to whether you have an active infestation or just old woodworm damage, our advice would be to use a woodworm killer first , then a wood preservative after. This will kill off any existing infestations and will also help to protect the wood against future attack. most wood preservatives also protect against mould and algae. DOES TEAK OIL KILL WOODWORM? Woodworm won’t ‘enjoy’ being covered in Teak Oil per se but no, Teak oil will not kill woodworm. If you have active woodworm or wood boring insects a woodworm killer such as Barrettine Premier Woodworm Killer or Ronseal Woodworm Killer must be used to eradicate the infestation. Once treated, a suitable wood preservative should be used to help prevent future in...