What is the difference between a woodworm treatment and a woodworm killer?

In some cases, manufacturer’s simply call their products different things, either woodworm killer or woodworm treatment. This said, some products are more specific to killing off existing infestations whilst others are geared towards preventing future attack.

If unsure as to whether you have an active infestation or just old woodworm damage, our advice would be to use a woodworm killer first, then a wood preservative after. This will kill off any existing infestations and will also help to protect the wood against future attack. most wood preservatives also protect against mould and algae.


Woodworm won’t ‘enjoy’ being covered in Teak Oil per se but no, Teak oil will not kill woodworm. If you have active woodworm or wood boring insects a woodworm killer such as Barrettine Premier Woodworm Killer or Ronseal Woodworm Killer must be used to eradicate the infestation. Once treated, a suitable wood preservative should be used to help prevent future infestations.


The most common insecticide used to control woodworm is Permethrin though growth inhibitors are used by some manufacturers. Permethrin is found in most woodworm killers.


Typically starting between May & September which is the adult emergence season for Woodworm. The woodworm should be treated as soon as possible to avoid the beetle laying larvae and the lifecycle recurring.

Are there different types of wood worm and if so will one woodworm treatment treat all?

There are several types of woodworm in the UK. All species will be killed with any of the woodworm treatments from our range.

Will damp wood make woodworm thrive, do I need a woodworm treatment and damp/mold treatment?

Generally speaking, woodworm do prefer damp wood. A Woodworm treatment should be used to eradicate any existing infestations then a wood preservative to protect against re-infestation, ensuring effective protection for years to come.

Mould needs to be treated separately with a dedicated mould and mildew cleaner. Once all traces of mould have been removed, and the wood has been allowed to dry, a wood oil, varnish, paint or other type of wood finish can be applied to protect the wood and complete the project.

Is woodworm treatment smelly or harmful to pets/children?

There are many woodworm treatments on the market from different brands. Some are suitable for both interior and exterior use whilst other are formulated for just interior use so take care to select the appropriate one. Most wooden surfaces such as floors, doors, furniture and wooden beams are over-coated once treated with a wood oil, wax, paint or varnish to ensure there is no direct contact with the wood. However, wooden surfaces treated with a woodworm killer are safe for pets and children once the treatment has fully dried.

In terms of smell, this is largely down to if the woodworm treatment is solvent-based or water-based. Solvent based products usually have a high VOC so therefore have a much stronger smell than the water-based equivalents.

Is there a guarantee that woodworm treatment will work?

Woodworm killers are specifically formulated to kill woodworm, wood boring insects, their larvae and eggs. As long as the woodworm killer is used following the manufacturer’s instructions, the manufacturer’s guarantee that their product will work. Basically, if the larvae are covered then they will die. It’s important to treat all areas.

What is the best woodworm preventative and treatment?

As a preventative treatment, look for a wood preservative that specifically states that it prevents woodworm (some don’t). For interior timbers we recommend Cuprinol 5 Star Complete Wood Treatment (WB) which is a low odour water-based formulation.


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