Wet Rot - How to Prevent and Cure

Sometimes we see that there is decay of wood because it contains lots of moisture. Wood contains lots of moisture so the fungi attack the wood and it damages the wood. It is mainly caused by the cellar fungus, coniophora puteana. If the wood turns brown, the fungus has attacked the wood. It is basically a brown fungal rot affecting timber with high moisture content. It is also used for decay of crop plants by fungi and the deterioration of rubber. This decay can cause instability and collapse in houses, wooden ships' hulls, and other wooden structures.

How to detect the wet rot is affecting the house?

We have to check the wood articles such as doors or windows for signs of rot. The bottom is more susceptible to rot as the water collects where as the wall/ floor is suffering from damp. If the paint finish damaged, it can increase the risk of wet rot. Timber suffering from wet rot will feel spongy (even through a coat of paint) and look darker than the surrounding timber. When dry, the timber will easily crack and crumble in to fine particles.

Measures for prevention:

  • Improve ventilation of the house.
  • Prevent the water from getting in the wood.
  • Paint all the external timber frames to protect the timber from frontal ingress of water.
  • We have to remove the soil and other debris from the bottom of timber frames.
  • The favorite places for wet rot are under the kitchen sink, bath, shower, washing basins, and toilet and behind the washing machine etc.
Treatment measures:
  • We have to treat the problem as there is a possibility that it can occur again, so no need of repairing.
  • If the infected area is small it can be cut away and a new piece can be inserted.
  • We should take the experts' advice if the infected area is roof trusses, floor joists.

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