Has Your Wood Worm Problem Returned? Don’t Worry!

If you are concerned about a returning woodworm problem, you could be the victim of a failed treatment from an unreliable source. Fixrot.co.uk are here to save the day and be the timber treatment heroes you need!

If you are noticing returning signs of woodworm, then don’t be surprised that it could be post-treatment emergence. Fixrot.co.uk are on hand throughout the Leighton Buzzard area to ensure that your wood materials are free from woodworm and timber problems, all year round.

What Is Post-Treatment Emergence?

If you have previously carried out some kind of timber treatment and you are noticing that the insecticidal problem is coming back, you are experiencing post-treatment emergence. Although most solutions will cover the surface with a spray that will kill the eggs inside, some treatments will forget to focus on the interior timber and the insects that reside there.

Life Cycle of the Timber Beetle

Most people when dealing with woodworm problems are actually unaware of the beetle itself that harbours its eggs and lives in your timber. Fixrot.co.uk are only too familiar with the life cycle of the beetle that infects timber materials and knows exactly how to deal with the issues head on.

The common household furniture beetle is known as one of the most popular beetles to reside in domesticated housing. Taking hold of any timber or wood materials, the beetle is curved in shape and a creamy white colour in infancy. Once the beetle is an adult you will notice the colour change to a darker brown, with wings and at least 3-4mm long in length.

Starting off as an egg, the beetle is laid on suitable timber surfaces that are often moist, dark and left untreated. Often being laid in crevices, cracks, end joints and previous tunnels, the eggs then hatch into larvae and start to feed on the sapwood immediately. Throughout their life, they feed on the wood materials and then emerge to the surface to lay their own eggs and create chambers for other eggs.


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